
Monday 6 October 2014

How to Remove Blackheads Naturally Easily and Precisely

How to remove Blackheads Naturally easily and precisely - most often it's often attack the blackheads are usually on the face or nose, causes the appearance of comedones in karenakan excess oil buildup as well as a large number of dead skin cells on the face and nose. Despite its small blackheads on the face and nose are quite disturbing appearance on this our wajh. a clean face will look dull even blackheads are already appearing. Maybe you've tried a variety of ways to remove blackheads but until this very second has not yet discovered how truly powerful. well, on this occasion the admin Arkanpost.Com will give you a few tips as well as a pretty powerful way to get rid of blackheads on the nose as well as good on your face. then read the complete article about up about how to remove blackheads naturally with ease.

There are many ways to remove blackheads naturally proven able to rid blackheads naturally occurring rapidly. This natural way you can do it yourself at home, because in addition to easy and safe, ingredients that require quite easily you find around your own home. to obtain satisfactory results should you do how mengilangkan blackheads naturally this quickly is routinely and painstaking to blackheads completely lost permanently. well, just go ahead here is information on how to remove blackheads naturally with the quick information:

How to remove Blackheads Naturally easily and precisely

Using Aloe Vera

Prepare Aloe Vera to taste and then extract from Aloe Vera trunk half that and take a lendirnya course. then it apply Aloe Vera mucilage evenly on the nose or face of the existing berkomedo

Use Egg Whites

Take her egg white and then insert it into a small bowl and stir until frothy and then apply it on the face and nose is berkomedonya. then cover with a cotton swab and then wait for it to dry evenly. Once dry you can release that cotton gradually and see how many blackheads are lifted from the kaps

Using The Steam/Hot Water

Take a bowl of hot water and mix with a spoon of salt is salty. then wipe your face mauun your nose using water more or less during the last 10 minutes. In addition to removing blackheads face menguapi can help improve blood circulation in the face that makes your facial skin stay fresh glamour

Use A Vegetable Scrub
Take 1 sheet of Kai-leaves, apples, 1 ¼ sheet of celery leaves and lemon juice and blend until smooth and gentle to all such materials. After smooth apply on your face and nose section that if there is an inherent blackheads. the last rinse your face to clean the face to produce more clean again

Friday 3 October 2014

Quick tricks Pregnant ala Tradition of China

Quick tricks Pregnant ala Tradition of China - When the wife is planning to have a baby in this Water Dragon, a wife could consider some of the following tricks have been used in China since the first ever. According to Mr. Tan Khoon Yong (Grand Master of Fengshui): 

-Give a touch of red color in the room to increase the passion and energy. for example just use the Red bedspreads or repainting a room wall into a red color. -put the baby-shaped sculpture made of Crystal on the table next to his bed, the candidate's wife.

 -Use the right time also could be a constraint to note is When the candidate's wife was born between August and February, was supposed to be in touch during the afternoon. As for the candidate's wife who was born in March and July, her fertility will be better in the evening. If according to Eu Yan Sang (the senior Chinese Medicine Expert at Paragon Medical Singapore): 

– Before planning to have the baby, the couple must be in a healthy and normal conditions. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) necessitated the need for a balance between some body organs, including kidneys, liver, spleen, lungs and heart. If one of these organ systems of balance pregnant then chances are it will be reduced. 

 -In a principle of TCM between the differentiated our bodies ' hot ' and ' cold '. in order to prevent the increase of heat in our body, it is recommended to consume food that has elements of cold as well. Prospective parents should endeavour to balance the body by not just one kind of eating is excessive. Neutral foods can strengthen the spleen, as well as on health can improve appetite and refresh the body. 

-Candidates should also pay attention to papa food intake. To improve the quality, try to eat: eels, squid, cuttlefish, escargot (a type of snail), sweet Chinese and ginkgo. To increase the passion at the moment is associated can be time consuming foods that contain vitamin iron, such as lean beef, chicken, chicken liver, egg, pork, oysters (oyster) and nuts. The candidate must also reduce consumption of Papa alcoholic beverages. 

 -Lack of fertile are influenced by so many factors, in addition to the health of the body as well as stress and other psychological problems. Consult a physician to make more accurate diagnoses and treatment as needed. Traditional remedies such as herbal Medicines natural aldan acupuncture can help increase the body's readiness for conception.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Understanding the disease Hepatitis

Hepatitis disease is one of the diseases that the embryo will be liver cancer. Hepatitis can damage the organ function in heart and liver work umtuk neutralizer poisons and digestive system the body break down food in the sari-sari food for later spread to the rest of the organs of the body that are essential to the human body.

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver disease is one for a variety of things. The cause was a several types of viruses that invade and cause inflammation and damage to the cells and organs function on your heart. Hepatitis a has a very close involvement with liver function disorder disease. Hepatitis is mostly used as a disease that goes into all kinds of diseases of inflammation of the liver (liver). Many things cause hepatitis, it can happen not only because of the presence of viral infection from a particular source. Causes of hepatitis can also be derived from the type of certain drugs, certain types of food or even sexual relations on which one of the pair have the disease hepatitis.


Hepatitis disease can attack anyone don't see age. Jugat Hepatitis can occur in infants, children and adults and the elderly. Hepatitis a also lot of hit on babies from age 0-12 months, in children is expected to happen from the start to 2-15 years of age, adults 15-20 years and elderly people above the age of 40 onwards.

Monday 30 June 2014

Maintain your Health with Simple Exercise

Maintain your Health with Simple Exercise - There are lots of factors that effects your health, one of them is exercise. Exercise does not need much time to get the result in your body, even with simple exercise about 20 to 30 minutes every day is able to increase you fitness. Exercise also does not have to be expensive, you do not need to spend much money to buy fitness equipment at home or go to the gymnastic every day, pretty cheap and light exercise can do by utilizing sophisticated tools. Such as walking outside, jogging, riding bicycle or swimming. Those are simple but very useful to increase your fit. 


The type of simple exercise you can do to increase your health is walking, it can be sure that walking is a kind of exercise and physical activity that can be done by lots of people in any ages. If you want to set aside time to walk around your house, your garden or but something outside by walking, it will greatly help you to lose your weight, keep your ideal weight and increase your fitness. Walking also will prevent you from disorders, such as heart disease and stroke. It is also flexible exercise you can do anywhere, for example if you are in the office, you can use stairs facility than lift. Do you know that walking has big effect for your body? While walking, we carry out your own weight, it can be compared with weight training, thus walking can strengthen your bone, increase your balance, add your muscle strength and control your blood pressure. 

To maintain your health by walking to be interesting, you can do some things here. First, use comfortable t-shirt, it will help you to stay relax while walking and use shoes or footwear to make you safety while walking. Make your route street variation for each walking exercise; the same route probably will make you bored. Do not forget to bring mineral water.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Healthy Food for Diet


Having plus size maybe become the problem for both man and woman, because they argue that plus size disturb their appearance. In this case actually you do not have to do strict diet to get ideal weight or weight loss; you just need to manage your diet with healthy food. This is to be the main reason of your weight either ideal, stabile or increase. Do not dream to have nice, slim and healthy body if you still consume wrong food and even harmful for your body that will make you deposit much fat. Now, you have to move on healthy diet to get nice body as what you want. 

Choose the foods that have high fiber, protein and healthy fat and also high water content. Avoid consume high calories, because it is dangerous for your body. There are some menus you can choose of healthy food that you can consume for your daily diet. When you diet, you are better to consume fruits. One of the best fruit is apple. Apple contains much fiber that is easily to digested and it is able to fight the cholesterol in your body. It is also the source of vitamin C that can prevent cancer. Besides of fruits, you have also to consume vegetables, broccoli is best for you because it has high calcium, vitamin A and C and potassium. For your daily diet, do not mix it with butter or cheese and do not overcook. 

To begin your day with breakfast, it is better if you consume wheat for your diet. It is better than rice because it has much fiber that can make stay full longer. It contains of vitamin B3, B1 and E. Do not forget to add animal protein in your healthy food for diet. You can consume salmon as the best healthy seafood which is low calorie.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Alternative Medicine for Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Alternative Medicine for Nasopharyngeal Cancer - Cancer is a deadly disease in the world that is still difficult to find a cure, one of the cancer type that is still looking for a right cure is nasopharyngeal cancer. This is a type of cancer that grows behind the cavity nose and behind the cavity of oral palate. The cause of this cancer does not know exactly yet, but the first allegation is the infection of Epstein Barr virus. Whereas the development of this cancer can go to the neck glands, eyes, ears and brain. One way to beat this cancer except medical treatment in hospital is using alternative medicine. This is another way to cure or to reduce the disease effects that are given by consuming herbs treatment and therapy. 

The herbal ingredient that is believed to treat nasopharyngeal cancer is mangos-teen peel extract and sour-sop leaves. This herb is herbal mixture without chemicals ingredients that are harmful to the body. Based on the research of the soup-sop leaves benefit by The National Cancer Institute in 1976, that the work of anti-cancer in soup-sop leaves are thousand times stronger and effective in killing and preventing the development of cancer cell naturally than chemotherapy process. Moreover, alternative medicine of anti-cancer also works effectively without damaging the healthy cell in the body. It works without side effect that can remove the hair, nausea or weight loss. This herbal medicine is provided in practical package you can consume every day, or you can make it by yourself by boiling sour-sop leaves.

The other alternative medicine is mangos-teen peel extract, it has well contains to kill the cancer cell that is anti-proliferative substance. It has function to prevent and kill the development of cancer cell effectively. Moreover, mangos-teen peel extract also has function to elevate the antioxidant and it has free radicals that can ward off the cause of disease.

Four Tips to Maintain Your Heath

Four Tips to Maintain Your Health - The most coveted thing by everyone is health. No one in this world want to be sick, there is a term says that to be healthy is really expensive. Imagine that if you were sick, how much money you will pay to recover your body. Therefore, to make your body stay fit, you have to always apply a healthy lifestyle. It will greatly effect to your body for long term. To get this goal, there are four tips that you can do every day, ranging from small to bigger thing. 

Do not forget a small thing, because it may be gives you big effect of yours. The first small ting you have to do and you have always to do is keeping your hand hygiene. Do you know that the germs and bacteria enter to your body through your hand? Therefore, do not neglect to wash your hand before and after eating or doing any activities, you will never know where is the bacteria resides. Wash your hand with soap and water properly or you can use antiseptic. Then, the second tips to maintain your health is doing exercise every day. Exercise can improve the blood metabolism and boost immunity. You do not have to do hard exercise, just simple, such as jogging, riding bicycle or treadmill in 20 to 30 minutes every day. 

Do not ignore the sleep time; enough sleep time around eight hours per day will boost your immune system that you need every day. Your body also needs to rest in order to recover the body condition becomes stable after doing activities. Next is maintain and adjust your diet, you have to consume healthy food to keep your health. Choose foods that contain a lot of nutrients and low in calories, eat regularly; breakfast, lunch and dinner in right portion.
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